Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2013. V. 51. № 2. P. 206–214
Bodryakov V.Yu.
Heat capacity of solid tantalum: Self-consistent calculation
A review is given of the results of calculations of the heat capacity $C(T)$ of solid tantalum in a wide temperature range from helium temperatures to the melting point of metal $T_m$. Calculation of the heat capacity of the metal within the framework of a self-consistent thermodynamic model (SCTDM) of a solid body versus the experimental (reference) data on $C(T)$ is performed. In the range from the Debye temperature $\theta_0\sim250\text{ K}$ to the beginning of the premelting region $T\sim0.8T_m$, the standard SCTDM ensured an adequate description of the tantalum heat capacity with a mean square error of less than $0.5\text{ JK}^{-1}\text{mol}^{-1}$. At lower and higher temperatures, extra models are needed. A number of thermodynamic characteristics of the element are determined whose values were previously absent or needed verification.
Article reference:
Bodryakov V.Yu. Heat capacity of solid tantalum: Self-consistent calculation, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 2. P. 206
Bodryakov V.Yu. Heat capacity of solid tantalum: Self-consistent calculation, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 2. P. 206