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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Nonequilibrium state of highly ionized helium plasma at atmospheric pressure
141Isakaev E.Kh., Chinnov V.F., Sargsyan M.A., Kavyrshin D.I.
- Notes on the microscopic theory of dielectric polarization
147Petrin A.B.
- Dynamics studies of cathode spots in a vacuum-arc discharge with ring electrodes
153Prozorov E.F., Ulyanov K.N., Fedorov V.A.
- Particularities of electrical discharge in the plasmatron with an expanding output electrode
160Tyuftyaev A.S.
- Possibilities of application of plasma technologies to recycle organic-containing substances: Particularities of high current free burning arcs
167Rutberg A.F., Vasil'eva O.B., Kumkova I.I., Safronov A.A.
- Application of femtosecond laser pulses in biomedical cell technologies
173Il'ina I.V., Ovchinnikov A.V., Sitnikov D.S., Rakityanskiy M.M., Agranat M.B., Khramova Yu.V., Semenova M.L.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Thermophysical properties of MPG-6 graphite
179Stankus S.V., Savchenko I.V., Agazhanov A.Sh., Yatsuk O.S., Zhmurikov E.I.
- Surface tension of alloys with additives of alkali metals
183Alchagirov B.B., Arkhestov R.Kh., Dyshekova F.F., Taova T.M.
- Density of copper-aluminum alloys at temperatures up to $1400^\circ$C determined by the gamma-ray technique
197Kurochkin A.R., Popel' P.S., Yagodin D.A., Borisenko A.V., Okhapkin A.V.
- Heat capacity of solid tantalum: Self-consistent calculation
206Bodryakov V.Yu.
- Defect structure and the phase diagram of uranium dioxide
215Pakhomov E.P.
- Phase transformations in water-aliphatic alcohol binary systems
224Bazaev E.A., Bazaev A.R.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Convective heating of small-radius spherical blunting for relatively low hypersonic velocities
231Surzhikov S.T.
- Temperature field of turbulent flow in a well
246Filippov A.I., Akhmetova O.V., Rodionov A.S.
- Effect of pulse frequency on heat transfer at the stagnation point of an impinging turbulent jet
256Pakhomov M.A., Terekhov V.I.
- Thermocapillary effects in nonisothermal liquid film at high Reynolds numbers
262Chinnov E.A.
- Studying heat conduction taking into account the finite rate of heat propagation
268Kudinov V.A., Kudinov I.V.
Short Communications
- Synthesis of a layered organo-inorganic copper nanocomposite by laser ablation in liquid media
277Karpukhin V.T., Malikov M.M., Borodina T.I., Val'yano G.E., Gololobova O.A.
- Investigation of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of liquid bismuth within the temperature range of $545$–$970$ K
281Savchenko I.V., Stankus S.V., Agazhanov A.Sh.
- Accuracy of high-temperature mass spectrometry measurements of vapor pressure
284Gusarov A.V.