Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1984. V. 22. № 5. P. 707–713
Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh.
Numerical modeling of nonsteady natural-convection of homogeneous compressible gas in a closed nonadiabatic region
Article reference:
Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh. Numerical modeling of nonsteady natural-convection of homogeneous compressible gas in a closed nonadiabatic region, High Temp., 1984. V. 22. № 5. P. 707
Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh. Numerical modeling of nonsteady natural-convection of homogeneous compressible gas in a closed nonadiabatic region, High Temp., 1984. V. 22. № 5. P. 707