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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Ionization equilibrium in a highly nonideal plasma containing a condensed dispersed phase
643Zhukhovitski? D.I., Khrapak A.G., Yakubov I.T.
- A possible mechanism for the soft gap in the electron spectrum of a nondegenerate plasma
651Kaklyugin A.S.
- Theoretical modeling of the initial-stage of a pulsed layer discharge including the real equation of state of the conductor
658Bushman A.V., Romanov G.S., Smetannikov A.S.
- An experimental-study of a cesium plasma-jet flowing into nitrogen
665Chutov Yu.I., Chernyak V.Ya., Oleinik V.S.
- Method of solving self-consistent problems with Knudsen numbers of the order of unity and investigation of the operation of a gas-filled ionic diode
668Novikov V.N.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Singular points of the concentrational dependences of the physical-properties of substitutional solid-solutions
677Zhuk A.Z., Petukhov V.A., Shteingradt D.M.
- Calculating the thermodynamic properties of sodium and potassium vapors on the basis of a semiempirical equation of state. Thermodynamic properties
680Reva T.D., Semenov A.M.
- Diffusion-coefficients of potassium atoms in inert-gases
689Red'ko T.P.
- Saturated vapor-pressure of liquid sulfur-hexafluoride
693Totskii E.E., Karmyshin Yu.V., Talaev I.V.
- Method for establishing the limits of stability of a homogeneous phase (spinodal) on the basis of heterogeneous data
696Abdulagatov I.M., Alibekov B.G.
- Propagation velocity of ultrasound in $\mathrm{Sb}-\mathrm{Te}$, $\mathrm{Bi}-\mathrm{Te}$ melts
701Glazov V.M., Pavlova L.M., Timoshenko V.I., Kim S.G.
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
- Numerical modeling of nonsteady natural-convection of homogeneous compressible gas in a closed nonadiabatic region
707Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- Experimental-study of heat-transfer in the turbulent-flow of a nonequilibrium-dissociating coolant in a circular tube
713Molodykh È.I., Novikov V.P., Pustogarov A.V.
- Mean description of heat-transfer processes in filtration in cracked and porous-media
719Egorov A.G., Salamatin A.N.
- Asymptotic analysis of droplet condensation
724Isachenko V.P., Solodov A.P., Maltsev A.P., Yakusheva E.V.
- Transient hydrodynamics of vapor liquid annular-mist flows in channels containing heated-rod bundles
732Kroshilin A.E., Kroshilin V.E., Nigmatulin B.I.
- Velocity and attenuation of sound in a vapor droplet mixture
739Buevich Yu.A., Fedotov S.P.
- Physical characteristics of evaporative liquid cooling of a radiantly heated porous wall
744Maiorov V.A.
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
- Laser Doppler methods of measuring the spatial structure of turbulence
753Rinkevichius B.S., Smirnov V.I., Timofeev A.S.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- Thermo-physical and gas-dynamic studies of the meteorite shield for the Vega spacecraft
761Agureikin V.A., Anisimov S.I., Bushman A.V., Kanel' G.I., Karyagin V.P., Konstantinov A.B., Kryukov B.P., Minin V.F., Razorenov S.V., Sagdeev R.Z., Sugak S.G., Fortov V.E.
- Two-dimensional acoustic-oscillations in a nonuniform MHD flow. Traveling waves
778Rutkevich I.M., Tokar' P.M.