
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1977. V. 15. № 1. P. 64–71
Ushakov P.A., Zhukov A.V., Matyukhin N.M.
Azimuthal temperature nonuniformity in a regular array of fuel elements for turbulent liquid metal flow
Three methods of semiempirical calculation of the temperature nonuniformity in a regular array of fuel elements are considered. An analytical solution is obtained on the hypothesis that the local heat-transfer coefficients are analogous with the heat-transfer coefficients in equivalent plane apertures. Also, a second solution is obtained using the universal temperature profile in a circular tube. In the basic solution considered, the azimuthal spread of heat in the heat carrier is estimated using the temperature profile for rodlike flow. From an analysis of calculated and experimental data, a simple approximate formula for the temperature nonuniformity of the fuel elements is obtained.
Article reference:
Ushakov P.A., Zhukov A.V., Matyukhin N.M. Azimuthal temperature nonuniformity in a regular array of fuel elements for turbulent liquid metal flow, High Temp., 1977. V. 15. № 1. P. 64