Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2016. V. 54. № 2. P. 206–209
Ivliev A.D., Kurichenko А.А., Vekshin I.M.
Thermal diffusivity of $\rm{Y}$–$\rm{Ho}$ system solid solutions at high temperatures
Experimental results on the thermal diffusivity of solid phase $\rm{Y}$–$\rm{Ho}$ alloys at high temperatures are presented. The mechanisms of the energy career dispersion in these substances are considered.
Article reference:
Ivliev A.D., Kurichenko А.А., Vekshin I.M. Thermal diffusivity of $\rm{Y}$–$\rm{Ho}$ system solid solutions at high temperatures, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 2. P. 206
Ivliev A.D., Kurichenko А.А., Vekshin I.M. Thermal diffusivity of $\rm{Y}$–$\rm{Ho}$ system solid solutions at high temperatures, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 2. P. 206