string(11) "getArticles"
Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Distributions of populations of atomic levels in quasi-stationary argon plasma
161Gavrilova A.Yu., Kiselev A.G., Skorokhod E.P.
- Phase composition and magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles obtained by impulse electric discharge in water
170Rutberg F.G., Kolikov V.A., Snetov V.N., Subbotin D.I., Zhernovoi A.I., Cherepkova I.A., D'yachenko S.V.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- The generalized scaling laws based on several deductions from the van der Waals equation
175Vorob'ev V.S., Apfelbaum E.M.
- Thermoradiation characteristics of refractory oxides upon heating by concentrated laser radiation
186Petrov V.A.
- Determination of $P,T$-conditions developed at high-temperature shock compression of silicon nitride in planar recovery ampoules
197Yakushev V.V., Utkin A.V., Zhukov A.N., Shakhrai D.V., Kim V.V.
- Thermal diffusivity of $\rm{Y}$–$\rm{Ho}$ system solid solutions at high temperatures
206Ivliev A.D., Kurichenko А.А., Vekshin I.M.
- Thermal properties and phase diagrams of water–hydrocarbon systems
210Rasulov S.M., Orakova S.M., Isaev I.A.
- Integrated system of databases on the properties of inorganic substances and materials
215Kiselyova N.N., Dudarev V.A., Stolyarenko A.V.
- Automated experimental facility to investigate a complex of thermophysical properties of liquids and gases
223Mirskaya V.A., Nazarevich D.A., Ibavov N.V.
- Statistical analysis of formation and relaxation of atom clusters based on data of molecular dynamic modeling of gas-phase nucleation of metallic nanoparticles
229Korenchenko A.E., Vorontsov A.G., Gel'chinskiy B.R.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Comparative analysis of the role of atom and ion spectral lines in radiative heating of four types of space capsules
235Surzhikov S.T.
- Solution of the Stefan problem in a conventional modified formulation for semitransparent media with consideration of isotropic radiation scattering
252Rubtsov N.A., Sleptsov S.D., Grishin M.A.
- Attenuation of near-wall generation of turbulance under additional actions on a fluid flow
257Polyakov A.F.
- Vapor–liquid critical flow through a layer of spherical particles
261Tairov E.A., Pokusaev B.G., Bicova S.M.
- Heat transfer in conical expanding channels
270Leont'ev A.I., Lushchik V.G., Reshmin A.I.
- Evolution of diffraction pattern of probing radiation reflected by a silver surface upon melting
277Batenin V.M., Kachalov V.V., Kurilovich A.V., Mendeleev V.Ya.
- A numerical study of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer of a two-phase flow in an atmospheric tornado-forming cloud and a tornado model
281Smirnov E.P.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- Experimental investigation of high-temperature removal of impurities from granulated quartz
289Ivanov N.A., Balanovskiy A.E., Kalashnikov Yu.D., Ryazantsev V.V., Ckripnechenko A.S.
Short Communications
- Thermal diffusivity of submicro- and nanocrystalline $\rm{Zr}$–$2.5\%\,\rm{Nb}$ and $\rm{Zr}$–$50\%\,\rm{Nb}$ alloys at high temperatures
294Gorbatov V.I., Polev V.F., Korshunov I.G., Pilyugin V.P., Smirnov A.L., Taluts S.G.
- Density and speed of sound of R-406A refrigerant in the vapor phase
297Komarov S.G., Stankus S.V.
- Features of dimerization equilibrium in hard-sphere fluids
300Tkachev N.K., Peshkina K.G.