Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 1056–1059
Dombrovskii L.A.
Radiative-convective heat transfer in an optically thin boundary layer near the leading edge of a flat plate. Effect of blowing
This paper examines the influence of blowing on the radiative and convective heating in an optically thin boundary layer near the leading edge of a flat plate. The results of the calculations are compared with data in the literature. New results are obtained which illustrate the role of radiation scattering when blowing is present.
Article reference:
Dombrovskii L.A. Radiative-convective heat transfer in an optically thin boundary layer near the leading edge of a flat plate. Effect of blowing, High Temp., 1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 1056
Dombrovskii L.A. Radiative-convective heat transfer in an optically thin boundary layer near the leading edge of a flat plate. Effect of blowing, High Temp., 1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 1056