Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 1059–1065
Zhuravlev Yu.A., Medyuk N.V., Gamerov S.A., Lotoshnikov B.E., Habibulin I.H.
Calculation of the angular emission coefficients in multizone axisymmetric systems by the method of statistical tests
An algorithm and working programs implementing it are developed for calculating by the method of statistical tests the angular emission coefficients in multizone axisymmetric systems formed by surfaces of revolution of cylindrical, conic, and disk type. Calculations are performed for the geometric angular coefficients.
Article reference:
Zhuravlev Yu.A., Medyuk N.V., Gamerov S.A., Lotoshnikov B.E., Habibulin I.H. Calculation of the angular emission coefficients in multizone axisymmetric systems by the method of statistical tests, High Temp., 1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 1059
Zhuravlev Yu.A., Medyuk N.V., Gamerov S.A., Lotoshnikov B.E., Habibulin I.H. Calculation of the angular emission coefficients in multizone axisymmetric systems by the method of statistical tests, High Temp., 1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 1059