Plasma Investigations
1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 32–35
Asinovskii E.I., Vasilyak L.M., Kirillin A.V., Markovets V.V.
Nanosecond discharge in a weakly ionized plasma
Energy absorption by a weakly ionized low-pressure plasma when a high-voltage nanosecond pulse is applied to it is investigated. It is observed that the resistance of the plasma remains large during the pulse and that the absorbed energy has a maximum with pressure and the delay between the breakdown and nanosecond pulses.
Article reference:
Asinovskii E.I., Vasilyak L.M., Kirillin A.V., Markovets V.V. Nanosecond discharge in a weakly ionized plasma, High Temp., 1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 32
Asinovskii E.I., Vasilyak L.M., Kirillin A.V., Markovets V.V. Nanosecond discharge in a weakly ionized plasma, High Temp., 1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 32