Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 84–86
Logunov A.V., Petrushin N.V.
Electrical resistance of niobium-titanium alloy at high temperatures
Using an improved apparatus for measuring the thermophysical properties of metals and alloys at high temperatures, a study has been made of the specific resistance of a $\mathrm{Nb}$–$\mathrm{Ti}$ alloy in the temperature range $1000$–$1900^{\circ}$ C. The limit error of the measurements did not exceed $0.9\%$.
Article reference:
Logunov A.V., Petrushin N.V. Electrical resistance of niobium-titanium alloy at high temperatures, High Temp., 1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 84
Logunov A.V., Petrushin N.V. Electrical resistance of niobium-titanium alloy at high temperatures, High Temp., 1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 84