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Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 92–96
Ostashev V.E., Maksimov A.M., Lebedev E.F., Kuznetsov Yu.A., Davydov A.N.
Nonsteady interaction of a plasma flow behind a strong shock wave with a magnetic field
The interaction of a shock-produced plasma in air with a transverse magnetic field has been studied experimentally. It is found that with scattering taken into account the maximum value of the induced magnetic field is consistent with the calculated magnetic Reynolds number Rem1. Streak photographs and magnetic probes are used to pinpoint the inception in the shock wave of a narrow high-pressure zone in which the main bulk of the current is concentrated. The observed flow velocity shows an appreciable decrease, so that the speed is reduced to one half of initial velocity.
Article reference:
Ostashev V.E., Maksimov A.M., Lebedev E.F., Kuznetsov Yu.A., Davydov A.N. Nonsteady interaction of a plasma flow behind a strong shock wave with a magnetic field, High Temp., 1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 92