Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 97–100
Dorfman A.Sh.
Temperature-distribution singularities on the separation surface during heat transfer between a plate and the liquid flowing around it
Results of an investigation on temperature distribution at the interface of boundary layers around a plate are reported. Various flow regimes are investigated: laminar, turbulent, and also the mixed regime. Equations giving the temperature distribution in the plate are obtained.
Article reference:
Dorfman A.Sh. Temperature-distribution singularities on the separation surface during heat transfer between a plate and the liquid flowing around it, High Temp., 1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 97
Dorfman A.Sh. Temperature-distribution singularities on the separation surface during heat transfer between a plate and the liquid flowing around it, High Temp., 1975. V. 13. № 1. P. 97