High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
1976. V. 14. № 1. P. 157–166
Kirillov V.V., Panovko M.Ya., Sokolov Yu.N.
Effect of nonuniform conductivity in the boundary layer at the electrode wall on local characteristics of an MHD generator with a diagonal electrode configuration and a subsonic stream
A method for calculating the performance characteristics of an MHD generator with diagonal connection of the electrodes is discussed and the results are presented. The method allows for nonuniform conductivity in the boundary layers at the electrode wall, nonideal insulators, and possible intrusion of the electrodes into the flow.
Article reference:
Kirillov V.V., Panovko M.Ya., Sokolov Yu.N. Effect of nonuniform conductivity in the boundary layer at the electrode wall on local characteristics of an MHD generator with a diagonal electrode configuration and a subsonic stream, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 1. P. 157
Kirillov V.V., Panovko M.Ya., Sokolov Yu.N. Effect of nonuniform conductivity in the boundary layer at the electrode wall on local characteristics of an MHD generator with a diagonal electrode configuration and a subsonic stream, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 1. P. 157