Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1976. V. 14. № 2. P. 300–305
Mastryukov B.S., Kuznetsova N.P., Krivandin V.A.
Effect of selectivity of the radiation characteristics of radiative heat transfer in systems with a diathermic medium
The radiative heat transfer in the chamber of a strip resistance furnace is calculated by the zonal method. A four-zone scheme is assumed and two models of the behavior of the chamber working surfaces are considered. The boundary conditions on the surfaces are assumed to be of the first kind. The results of a numerical solution of the problem, obtained on a computer, permit an analysis of the effect of the selectivity of the emitting surfaces on the radiative heat transfer in electric furnaces.
Article reference:
Mastryukov B.S., Kuznetsova N.P., Krivandin V.A. Effect of selectivity of the radiation characteristics of radiative heat transfer in systems with a diathermic medium, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 2. P. 300
Mastryukov B.S., Kuznetsova N.P., Krivandin V.A. Effect of selectivity of the radiation characteristics of radiative heat transfer in systems with a diathermic medium, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 2. P. 300