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Issue index |
Issue index
- 25th congress of Communist-Party of Soviet-Union
Plasma Investigations
- Effect of plasma nonideality on electron degeneracy
225Filinov V.S.
- Formation of the fibrous structure of a current shell in a powerful pulse discharge
232Braginskii S.I., Vikhrev V.V.
- Investigation of a low-current H-pinched discharge
239Gorshkova L.D., Gorshkov V.A., Podmoshenskiĭ I.V.
- Distribution of electron-energy losses in a gas-discharge plasma
243Bushmin A.S., Dmitriev L.M.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Thermodynamic description of vibrational relaxation in binary mixtures of diatomic molecules
246Novikova T.I., Osipov A.I.
- Measurement of coefficient of thermal-conductivity of gases and vapors to 2500∘ K – Mercury and cesium vapors
252Zarkova L.P., Stefanov B.I.
- Specific heat of refractory metals close to the melting point, measured in the course of rapid heating
259Lebedev S.V., Savvatimskiy A.I., Sheindlin M.A.
- Electrical resistivity of tungsten-rhenium alloys in the region of a concentration anomaly
263Zaitchenko V.M., Mints R.G., Chekhovskoi V.Ya.
- Interpretation of temperature-dependence of thermal and electric-conductivity in transition-metals at high-temperatures
267Peletskii V.E.
- Thermal-conductivity and electrical-resistance of molybdenum in temperature-range 300–2600∘ K
271Kovalev A.I., Logunov A.V., Petrushin N.V., Zverev A.F.
- Thermal expansion of group IV transition-metal silicides
274Samsonov G.V., Podgrushko N.F., Dudnik E.M., Selivanova N.F., Dvorina L.A.
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
- Relaxation theory of heat conduction and diffusion
277Pleshanov A.S.
- Experience in the use of a three-dimensional model of turbulent transfer
281Buleev N.I.
- Integrated momentum model for one-dimensional two-phase flows
289Kuznetsov Yu.A., Sabaev E.F.
- Heat-transfer crisis and dynamics of its development in a tube with a cosinusoidal distribution of heat evolution along its length
295Remizov O.V., Vorob'ev V.A., Shurkin N.G.
- Effect of selectivity of the radiation characteristics of radiative heat transfer in systems with a diathermic medium
300Mastryukov B.S., Kuznetsova N.P., Krivandin V.A.
- Generalized angle factors for wall elements and gas volumes in a cylindrical channel
305Scherbinin V.I., Shklyar F.R., Bokovikova A.Kh.
- Temperature and stress fields in a hollow cylinder under the action of periodic heat flux to the inside surface
310Belousova L.E.
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
- Shock tube for investigations of high-temperature MHD generators
317Belykh A.D., Gurashvili V.A., Golubev V.S., Pashkin S.V., Yakushev A.A.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- Study of the electrical characteristics of the boundary layer on the metal surfaces in the channels of an open cycle MHD generator
321Burenkov D.K., Zalkind V.I., Kirillov V.V., Rastegaev B.I., Tikhotskii A.S.
- Choice of optimal throat dimensions for the diffusor in a condensing injector
326Gandelsman A.F., Vainshtein S.I., Morozov A.E., Sevastyanov A.P., Shpil'rain É.É., Yakimovich K.A.
- Acoustic properties of subsonic MHD channel
332Ermolaeva G.K., Skabin A.P., Poliakov O.L., Tarasyuk V.A.
Short Communications
- Investigation of anode drop in a high-voltage diffuse discharge in a transverse air-flow
337Blokhin V.I., Pashkin S.V.
- Boundary of ion-pair region for a model ion system – Data of a mathematical experiment
338Chasovskikh V.P., Vorontsov-Velyaminov P.N.
- Local parameters of a gas-discharge plasma in a magnetic-field
341Bugrova A.I., Versotsky V.S., Kalikhman L.E., Krasnenkov M.A., Kubarev Yu.V.
- Estimate of electron-density in a microwave-discharge at atmospheric-pressure
344Sotnikov V.N., Nazarov V.N., Plusnin V.I., Marusin V.V.
- Electrical-conductivity of hydrocarbon combustion products containing potassium in a magnetic-field
346Brzhezitskii V.A., Mazur N.I.
- Thermal-conductivity of CO2 and SF6 at 350–1300∘ K
351Bakulin S.S., Ulybin S.A., Zherdev E.P.
- High-temperature darkening of fused silica and absorption-spectrum measurement
353Vanyushin A.V., Petrov V.A., Sheindlin A.E.
- Mass-spectrometry of evaporating nickel monoaluminide and microinhomogeneity in liquid
355Gorokhov L.N., Emel'yanov A.M., Khodeev Yu.S., Levin E.S., Petrushevskii M.S., Geld P.V.
- Effects of equilibrium nitrogen pressure on melting points of TiNn and HfNn
359Eronyan M.A., Avarbe R.G., Danisina I.N.
- Temperature-dependence of vibrational-relaxation time for molecules colliding with alkali-metal atoms
360Mnatsakanyan A.Kh.
- Estimation of thermal accommodation coefficients from heat-transfer data for low-density gases
361Rozenfeld S.Kh.
- Evaporation diagram for lithium + lithium hydride at high liquid-phase hydride concentrations
366Shpil'rain É.É., Yakimovich K.A., Shereshevskii V.A., Andrianova V.G.
- Heat-transfer to a sphere in an ionized argon flow
369Kalganova I.V., Klubnikin V.S.
- Heat-transfer during transition boiling of cryogenic liquids
372Kalinin E.K., Berlin I.I., Kostyuk V.V., Nosova E.M.
- Investigation of flow and internal heat-transfer in porous fibrous materials
374Shchukin V.K., Khalatov A.A., Letyagin V.G., Baigaliev B.E., Kostornov A.G., Shevchuk M.S.
- Heat-transfer during turbulent-flow of a transparent gas past a radiating plate
378Dunin I.L., Ivanov V.V., Korenkov A.I.
- Effect of prandtl number on heat-transfer in rough tubes
381Migay V.K., Zhitomirskaya I.V.
- Exact equations for calculation of color temperature of hot bodies
384Brazhnichenko G.N.
- Choosing dimensions of an enthalpy meter
386Polyakov S.P., Ryazantsev O.V., Tverdokhlebov V.I.
- Device for plasma probe diagnostics
388Tikhomirov I.A., Tikhomirov V.V., Shishkovskii V.I., Shkurkin V.V.
- Electrodes fabricated by plasma deposition for magnetogasdynamic generators
390Virnik A.M., Zykova N.M., Kurakina T.S., Mel'nikov E.V.
- Distribution problem of current in an MHD channel with one pair of electrodes
392Gorodzha L.V., Rashchepkin A.P.
- All-union meeting on problem of radiative-conductive heat-transfer
396Sergeev O.A.
- Meeting on metrological assurance of measurements of unsteady-state temperatures
398Reisman M.S.