Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2009. V. 47. № 6. P. 843–848
Varava A.N., Dedov A.V., Komov A.T., Malakhovskii S.A.
Experimental investigation of critical heat flux under boiling in subcooled swirling flow under conditions of one-sided heating
Results are given of an experimental investigation of critical heat flux in a turbulent swirling flow of subcooled water under one-sided heating. The parameters of flow are varied in the following ranges: the pressure of water at the inlet, $0.7$ and $1.0$ MPa; mass velocity $\rho w$, $1100$ to $9900$ kg/(m$^2$s) flow swirl coefficient $k = 0.19$ and $0.37$; the temperature of water at the inlet—$20$, $40$, and $60^{\circ}$C; and the hydraulic diameter of the channel, $2.16$ mm.
Article reference:
Varava A.N., Dedov A.V., Komov A.T., Malakhovskii S.A. Experimental investigation of critical heat flux under boiling in subcooled swirling flow under conditions of one-sided heating, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 6. P. 843
Varava A.N., Dedov A.V., Komov A.T., Malakhovskii S.A. Experimental investigation of critical heat flux under boiling in subcooled swirling flow under conditions of one-sided heating, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 6. P. 843