Plasma Investigations
2008. V. 46. № 1. P. 11–18
Efremov A.M., Svettsov V.I., Sitanov D.V.
The parameters of plasma and the kinetics of generation and loss of active particles under conditions of discharge in chlorine
The parameters of plasma and the kinetics of generation and loss of active particles are investigated under conditions of a dc glow discharge in chlorine ($P = 40$—280 Pa, $i_p = 5$—15 mA). It is found that the generation of atoms in chlorine plasma is supported by the dissociation of Cl$_2$ molecules under electron impact, and the contribution by dissociative attachment does not exceed 10 %. Calculation data are obtained on the mass composition of neutral and charged particles of plasma. It is demonstrated that the assumption of the first kinetic order of heterogeneous loss of atoms provides for adequate agreement of the experimentally obtained and calculated values of $E/N$, of the concentration of chlorine atoms, and of the density of positive ion flux to the surface of discharge tube.
Article reference:
Efremov A.M., Svettsov V.I., Sitanov D.V. The parameters of plasma and the kinetics of generation and loss of active particles under conditions of discharge in chlorine, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 1. P. 11
Efremov A.M., Svettsov V.I., Sitanov D.V. The parameters of plasma and the kinetics of generation and loss of active particles under conditions of discharge in chlorine, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 1. P. 11