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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Calculation of plasma conductivity
653Rogov V.S.
- Experimental investigations of unsteady-state processes in a nonequilibrium mixture of cesium and argon
659Novichkov D.N., Glebov В.B.
- Characteristics of a reduced-pressure induction discharge in nitrogen
670Zhestkov B.E., Omelik A.I., Orlova Z.T.
- The conditions for the appearance of ionization instability in non-steady-state plasma in the absence of the two-temperature approximation
675Kruzhilin N.A., Yakubov I.T.
- Determination of the averaged diffuse electron–mercury atom cross section
679Ovcharenko V.A., Chernyshev S.M.
- The temperature profile of the plasma column of an induction discharge in argon at atmospheric pressure
685Trekhov E.S., Fomenko A.F., Khoshev Yu.M.
- Investigation of the space and time characteristics of the plasma beyond the muzzle of a pulsed electromagnetic accelerator
694Ivanova L.E.
- Heavy current pulse discharge in lithium
698Klementov A.D., Mikhailov G.V., Nikolaev F.A., Rozanov V.B., Sviridenko Yu.P.
- Radiation transfer in homogeneous layers by a spectral line of impact profile
703Bronin S.Ya., Lagarkov A.N.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Thermodynamic properties of molecular hydrogen in the perfect-gas state
710Artym R.I., Matveev A.B.
- Transfer properties of chemically reacting gases. $\text{I}$. Coefficients of the approximating functions for the effective cross sections of the components of gas mixtures containing $\mathrm{H}$, $\mathrm{C}$, $\mathrm{N}$ and $\mathrm{O}$ atoms and their compounds
714Samuilov E.V., Tsitelauri N.N.
- Method of calculating isotopic effects in the thermodynamic properties of simple gases and liquids
721Malyshenko S.P., Shvalb V.G.
- Effect of the roughness factor on radiation properties of solids (experimental check)
728Agababov S.G.
- Emissivity, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity of remelted zirconium at high temperatures
732Peletskii V.E., Druzhinin V.P., Sobol' Ya.G.
- Some physical properties of vanadium
737Voronin L.K., Merkul`ev A.N., Neimark B.E.
- Measurement of the heat conductivity of tungsten at high temperatures using the “two bridge” method
741Vertogradskii V.A., Chekhovskoi V.Ya.
- Experimental determination of the compressibility of neon and argon at $300$ and $720^{\circ}$K for pressures up to $500$bar
745Rabinovich V.A., Tokina L.A., Berezin V.M.
- Thermal diffusivity of pyrolytic zirconium carbide
750Fridlender B.A., Neshpor V.S.
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
- Criteria for commencement of convection in a liquid close to the critical point
754Giterman M.Sh., Shteinberg V.A.
- Statistical investigation of the temperature field during turbulent flow of water in a pipe
760Bobkov V.P., Beschastnov S.P., Gribanov Yu.I., Ibragimov M.Kh., Karpov P.K.
- Measurement of the heat evolution in the quartz envelope of a self-compressing discharge in inert gases
766Balagurov A.Ya., Kubyshkin V.V., Prokudin V.S., Cheburkina T.G.
- Heat transfer and drag in a circular tube during the laminar flow of a gas with variableproperties. $\text{II}$. Results of analysis at constant wall temperature
769Vilenskii V.D., Petukhov B.S., Kharin B.E.
- Approximate method for solution of the kinetic equation near the boundary. $\text{I}$. Slip
777Abramov Yu.Yu.
- Explosive boiling of liquids and fluctuation nucleus formation
782Skripov V.P., Pavlov P.A.
- Absorption of thermal radiation in medium with a band spectrum
788Detkov S.P.
- Self-similar variables. $\text{II}$
795Gukhman A.A., Zaitsev A.A.
Methods of Experimental Researches and Methods of Measurements
- Measurement of temperature conductivity by the cyclic heating method
803Yurchak R.P., Tkach G.F., Petrunin G.I.
- Ultrasonic heating of rods
806Balalaev Yu.F.
- Determination of the rate of movement of the drops of a two-phase flow using the transit-time method
810Tsiklauri G.V., Batenin V.M., Klimovskii I.I., Shanin V.K.
- Use of a small probe for determining the temperature and total pressure profiles in a dense plasma flow
814Petrov M.D., Sepp V.A.
- Experimental method of determining thermal conductivity and emittance of coatings
819Smirnov E.V.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- The cycle of a one-component liquid-metal magnetohydrodynamic converter with vapor separation ahead of the magnetohydrodynamic generator and mixing of the flow beyond the magnetohydrodynamic generator
822Kalafati D.D., Kozlov V.B.
- Effect of leakages on the characteristics of a magnetohydrodynamic generator
828Bityurin V.A.
- Analysis of experimental data on the viscosity of gases in the high-temperature range
833Asinovskii E.I., Pakhomov E.P.
Short Communications
- Electron temperature on the surface of metals under the effect of powerful heat fluxes
841Nevskii A.P.
- Possibility of suppressing current-convective instability of a positive column in a magnetic field by means of a system of feedbacks
843Arsenin V.V.
- Light-scattering spectra calculated on an electronic computer for a plasma having various parameters
846Pyatnitskiĭ L.N., Olevinskii К.K.
- Spectral intensities of the radiation from air and carbon dioxide plasmas
850Asinovskii E.I., Kirillin A.V., Nizovskiy V.L., Shabashov V.I.
- Measurement of the cross section for ionization of a cesium atom by an excited mercury atom
854Brodskii V.B., Voronchev A.T., Kreneva Т.V., Fedorov V.L.
- Determination of the enthalpy and specific heat of tantalum and niobium disilicides in the $1200$–$2100^{\circ}$K temperature range
856Bondarenko V.P., Zmiy V.I., Fomichev E.N., Kalashnik A.A., Slyusar' N.P.
- Thermal conductivity of fused salts
858Fedorov V.I., Machuev V.I.
- Role of heat-transfer conditions at the boundary of specimens in the case of using the dilatometric method of determining the thermal diffusivity of solids
861Batalov V.S., Linnik L.N.
- Characteristics of the specific heat of liquid alkali metals
863Shpil'rain É.É., Kagan D.N.
- Calculation of thermodynamic properties of condensed gases using tabulated virial coefficients for the Lennard-Jones $6$–$12$ potential
865Nedostup V.I., Slynko A.G.
- Thermal properties of iridium at high temperatures
868Trukhanova L.N., Filippov L.P.
- Work function of titanium and niobium carbides in the homogeneity region
870Samsonov G.V., Okhremchuk L.N., Upadkhay G.Sh., Naumenko V.Ya.
- Calculation of heat fluxes in a dispersed layer permeable for gas
873Gorin A.I.
- Bibliography