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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Acoustic Instability of Current-Carrying Plasma
1Glushkov I.S., Kareev Yu.A.
- Hydrodynamic Instabilities of Current-Carrying Plasma in a Transverse Magnetic
11Pashkin S.V.
- Oscillation in the Positive Column in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field for Neon
20Nedospasov A.V., Efendiev K.I., Garibov G.I.
- The τэф Method in the Theory of Radiation Transport
23Napartovich A.P.
- Application of the Channel Model and the Minimum Principle to an Induced HF Discharge
27Rovinski? R.E., Sobolev A.P.
- Measurement of the Coefficients of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Air and Carbon Dioxide Gas Plasma by Means of a Stabilized Electric Arc
33Asinovskii E.I., Nizovskiy V.L., Shabashov V.I.
- Approximate Determination of the Loss of Flow Momentum on Nonequilibrium Recombination of a Gas in a Nozzle
37Khailov V.M.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Interaction Potential of Spherical Nonpolar Molecules
40Sevast'yanov R.M., Zykov N.A.
- Experimental Investigation into the Thermal Conductivity of Helium
45Adamov A.P., Gasanov G.D.
- Experimental Data on Sound Velocity in Saturated and Supersaturated Cesium Vapors up to 1280∘?K
51Vasil'ev I.N., Trelin Yu.S., Romanov A.A.
- Density Measurement on Molten Boron Oxide at High Temperatures by Hydrodynamic Weighing
58Shpil'rain É.É., Yakimovich K.A., Tsitsarkin A.F.
- Monochromatic Emissivity of Commercial Polycrystalline Graphites
62Abramov A.S., Barykin B.M., Romanov A.I., Spiridonov ?.G.
- Thermal Conductivity of Pyrographite at High Temperatures
66Chekhovskoi V.Ya., Petrov V.A., Petrova I.I., Lyukshin E.N.
- Experimental Study of the Specific Electrical Resistivity of Single-Crystal Molybdenum in the High-Temperature Range
70Peletskii V.E., Druzhinin V.P.
- Investigation of the Thermal Conductivity of the TiO Phases of Variable Composition
74Ayvazov M.I., Muranevich A.Kh., Domashnev I.A., Sarkisyan A.G.
- Component Activities in Alloys in the Sodium—Potassium System
77Lokshin E.P., Ignat'ev O.S.
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
- Properties of Systems with Temperature Gradient in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
82Gefter V.M.
- Heat-Transfer Mechanism Near the Cathode in a Moving High-Current Arc
90Shaboltas A.S., Yas'ko O.I.
- Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer with the Turbulent Flow in a Round Tube of a Gas Dissociating in an Equilibrium Manner
94Petukhov B.S., Maidanik V.N., Novikov G.A.
- Features of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Cavity with a Heated Projection in Its Lower Part
101Klyushnikov F.V., Petrazhitskiy G.B.
- Determination of the Limit to the Onset of Deposition of Calcium Sulfate in a Steam- Generating Tube
106Styrikovich M.A., Polonskii V.S., Bezrukov E.K.
- Steam Content in Nonequilibrium Steam–Liquid Flows with Heat Transfer in Both Directions
111Miropol'skii Z.L.
- One-Dimensional Two-Component Flows of Foam
116Kudryavtsev В.K., Seleznev L.I., Tsiklauri G.V.
- Solution of the Fundamental Linear Nonideal Contact-Boundary Problems for a Composite Cylinder
122Abasov A.M.
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
- Theory of Pulsed Calorimeters
128Rubtcov V.A.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- On Determinating the Characteristics of a Magnetohydrodynamic Generator Operating on Nonequilibrium Plasma
132Biberman L.M., Vorob'ev V.S., Kovbasyuk V.I., Likal'ter A.A., Medin S.A., Nurgaliev R.M., Trushin V.S.
- Concerning the Optimization of the Parameters of a Closed-Cycle MHD Generator Channel
137Vorob'ev V.S., Krasnov V.I.
- Thermal Schemes of Closed-Cycle Electric Power Plants with a Nonequilibrium MHD Generator
142Shumyatskii B.Ya., Kovbasyuk V.I., Rogachev A.P., Stolyar L.P.
- Parameters of a Plasma Source with an Arc Stabilized by a Supersonic Airstream
146Konotop V.A., Blokhin V.I.
- Selection of a System of Dimensionless Numbers for Generalizing the Volt–Ampere Characteristics of Thermionic Converters
150Kharitonov V.V.
Short Communications
- Theoretical Investigation of the Ionization Rates in Nonequilibrium Lithium Plasma
154Potapov A.V., Tsvetkova L.E.
- Analytic Approximation for the Nordheim Function
157Beilis I.I.
- Calculation of the Composition of the Products from Dissociation and Ionization of Sulfur Hexafluoride at 1000 to 20000∘?K and 1–20 Atm
159Belov V.A., Semenov A.M.
- Ionization Potentials of Li2 and Na2 Molecules and the Dissociation Energy of Li+2 and Na+2 Ions
164Emel'yanov A.M., Peredvigina V.A., Gorokhov L.N.
- Statistical Model of Vibrational Relaxation of the Co2 Molecule
167Eletskii A.V., Smirnov B.M.
- Thermal Expansion of the Diborides of the Transition Metals of Groups IV and V
170Samsonov G.V., Kovenskaya B.A., Serebr`akova T.I., Tel`nikov E.Ya.
- Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Methane Combustion Products. III
173Samuilov E.V., Tsitelauri N.N.
- Thermal Expansion of Metal Dodecaborides
175Paderno Yu.B., Odintsov V.V., Timofeeva I.I., KLochkov L.A.
- High-Temperature Emissivity of Zirconium Carbide
178Kolesnichenko A.N., Krasnoshchekov Yu.A., Nezhevenko L.B., Pustogarov A.V.
- Evaporation Kinetics of Porous Materials
181Abramov A.A.
- Heat Transfer in Condensation of Nitrogen Tetroxide Partly in the Second Stage of Dissociation
184Komendantov A.S., Kovalev S.A., Petukhov B.S.
- Application of Periodic Temperature Oscillations to High-Temperature Studies of the Thermal Properties of Dielectrics
187Tkach G.F., Yurchak R.P.
- Contactless Optical Sensor for Measuring Size Distribution of Drops in the Burning Zone
191Sokolov R.N., Petrov G.D., Kudryavitskii F.A.
- Pulsed High-Pressure Plasmatron
193Rutberg F.G., Levchenko B.P.
- Symposium: Magnetohydrodynamic Plants
197Gorbunova N.I.
- Symposium: Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gas Dynamics
199Zhukov V.M.