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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Computer simulation of the jet of rarefied plasma outflowing from a nozzle of a plasma thruster
303Kotel'nikov V.A., Kotelnikov M.V., Morozov A.V.
- Simulation of the motion and destruction of bolides in the Earth's atmosphere
308Syzranova N.G., Andrushchenko V.A.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Correlation between temperature dependences of thermal expansivity and heat capacity up to the melting point of tantalum
316Bodryakov V.Yu.
- High purity $\alpha$-$\rm Al_2\rm O_3$ synthesis from boehmite produced by hydrothermal oxidation of aluminum
322Vlaskin M.S., Grigorenko A.V., Zhuk A.Z., Lisitsyn A.V., Sheindlin A.E., Shkol'nikov E.I.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- The effect of drop evaporation on gas turbulence and heat transfer for two-phase flow behind sudden pipe expansion
330Pakhomov M.A., Terekhov V.I.
- Limit superheating of stretched liquid
338Vinogradov V.E., Pavlov P.A.
- Stoichastic resonance in the crisis boiling regime under periodic heat release
344Skokov V.N., Vinogradov A.V., Reshetnikov A.V., Koverda V.P.
- Influence of orientation of rough grooves on spectral reflectivity of a surface in the thermal radiation wavelength range
349Mendeleev V.Ya.
- The interaction of shock waves with a boundary layer on a sharp plate and a blunted plate
356Bashkin V.A., Egorov I.V., Pal'chekovskaya N.V.
- Effect of a low-thermal-conductive coating on the dynamics of rewetting of overheated plate by falling liquid film
370Pavlenko A.N., Tsoi A.N., Surtaev A.S., Kuznetsov D.V., Serdyukov V.S.
- Numerical investigation of the effect of the Prandtl number on the temperature recovery and the Reynolds analogy factors in the boundary layer on a plate
377Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S.
- Direct simulation of rarefied high-enthalpy flow around the RAM C-II capsule
383Shevyrin A.A., Bondar' E.A., Kalashnikov S.T., Khlybov V.I., Degtyar V.G.
- Heat and mass transfer in thermal protection composite materials upon high temperature loading
390Formalev V.F., Kolesnik S.A., Kuznetsova E.L., Rabinskii L.N.
- Conversion of hydrocarbon fuel in elements of thermal protection of a hypersonic flight vehicle
397Kuranov A.L., Korabel'nikov A.V., Mikhailov A.M.
- Premixed combustion study: Turbulence in the nozzle behind grids and spheres
403Son E.E., Krikunova A.I., Savel'ev A.S.
- Concentrated air and fire vortices: Physical modeling (a review)
409Varaksin A.Yu.
- Solid-body track detectors in laser plasma investigations
428Pikuz S.A., Skobelev I.Yu., Faenov A.Ya., Lavrinenko Ya.S., Belyaev V.S., Klyushnikov V.Yu., Matafonov A.P., Rusetskii A.S., Ryazantsev S.N., Bakhmutova A.V.
Short Communications
- On the free energy of liquid-metal plasma
447Bobrov V.B.
- Investigation of acoustic properties of Russian grade 1Cr18Ni10Ti steel
451Roshchupkin V.V., Lyakhovitskii M.M., Pokrasin M.A., Minina N.A.
- Specific features of heat transfer at the stagnation point of an impact axisymmetric jet at low Reynolds numbers
454Lemanov V.V., Terekhov V.I.
- The effect of external perturbations on the energy of temperature pulsations in a heated liquid film
457Chinnov E.A.
- Thermal training of functional surfaces fabricated with femtosecond laser pulses
461Romashevskii S.A., Agranat M.B., Dmitriev A.S.