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Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Helical contraction of a glow discharge
305Shmelev V.M., Savel'ev A.V., Evtyukhin N.V., Margolin A.D.
- Modeling a plane high-current discharge. Influence of thermal conductivity on discharge characteristics
308Romanov G.S., Smetannikov A.S.
- Laser based on copper vapor with a coaxial discharge chamber
313Director L.B., Malikov M.M., Fomin V.A.
- Dynamics of a flat relativistic electron beam in a gas-filled guide
319Kurevlev G.Yu., Sorokin G.A.
- Charge diffusion along a current and an effective method of eliminating computational for glow discharges
324Raizer Yu.P., Surzhikov S.T.
- Internal structure in radiating plasmodynamic MPC discharges in gases
328Protasov Yu.S., Chuvashev S.N., Shchepanyuk T.S.
- Superheating ionization instability
337Kogan E.Ya., Kuzin B.Yu.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Equation of state of cesium vapor in drop model
344Zhukhovitski? D.I.
- Broad-range equation of state of water
348Belyaev A.M., Vorob'ev V.S., Khomkin A.L.
- Emissivity of propane
353Nizamov A.M., Akhunov N.Kh., Sagdeev A.A.
- Dielectric anomaly near the critical point of mercury
359Likal'ter A.A.
- Temperature dependence of the absorption coefficient of fluorides of calcium and lithium in the translucent region
365Zapadaeva T.E., Moiseev S.S., Petrov V.A., Sinev A.N.
- Evaluating the thermal conductivity of decomposition materials at elevated temperature
371Tovstonog V.A.
- Thermodynamic properties of tungsten borides in a broad temperature range
377Blinder A.V., Bolgar A.S.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Special features of the dynamics of contact melting of bodies in the presence of heat transfer with the surrounding medium
381Bityukov V.K., Kolodezhnov V.N.
- Nonisothermal instability of the motion of viscoplastic fluids in pipes
386Naidenov V.I.
- Features of unsteady processes in parallel heated channels with low velocities and reversal of one-phase coolant flow
392Khabenskii V.B., Migrov Yu.A., Efimov V.K., Volkova S.N.
- Mass transfer under the influence of a temperature gradient during impulsive laser alloying from coatings
402Uglov A.A., Smurov I.Yu., Ignat'ev M.B., Tagirov K.I., Titov V.I.
- Possibility of determining the coefficient of condensation of water from experiments involving laser vaporization
406Korneev V.V.
- Growth, condensation, and solution of vapor and gas bubbles in turbulent flows at moderate Reynolds numbers
410Avdeev A.A.
- Separation of a two-component heat transfer agent in a gravity heat pipe
416Kalandarishvili A.G., Makasarashvili A.A., Chilingarishvili P.D.
- Errors in calculating the radiational properties of a polydisperse system of particles
421Shigapov A.B.
- Radiational fluxes in the initial sections of the channels of high-temperature devices
425Vostrotin A.E., Zaltsman I.G., Malikov Yu.K., Shikov V.K.
- Propagation of nonlinear waves in a maxwellian viscoelastic medium
431Ni A.L., Fortov V.E.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- Mathematical modeling of high-frequency induction plasmotrons
438Dresvin S.V., Sudakov V.L.
- Hall voltage fluctuations in a segmented Faraday MHD duct after local interelectrode breakdown
442Vodonos Ya.I.
- Evolution of the structure and parameters of a plasma jet during pulsed injection into the atmosphere
446Ershov A.P., Timofeev I.B., Chuvashev S.N., Bytskevich S.P.