string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Pinhasik M.S. - article list |
Pinhasik M.S. - article list
- MHD generator channel in the U-25
Isaenkov Yu.I., Is?rov A.D., Kirillov V.V., Kirillov V.G., Momotov Yu.M., Nedospasov A.V., Olesevich A.K., Pashkov S.A., Pinhasik M.S., Pishchikov S.I., Poberezhskii L.P., Rekov A.I., Telegin G.P., Shelkov E.M., Shumyatskii B.Ya.
Granovskiy E.A., Dreizin L.Z., Korolev S.V., Minaev G.M., Pinhasik M.S., Privalov N.P., Sukhov V.N., Shelkov E.M., Shternin B.A.
Styrikovich M.A., Zakharko Yu.A., Mostinskii I.L., Pinhasik M.S., Cherkas V.D., Maksakov L.G., Melia S.A., Lebedev V.I., Val'dberg A.Yu.
Bass Z.R., Volovik A.V., Gorlanov A.V., Dronov U.A., Kugushev N.M., Orlov A.V., Petukhov S.S., Pinhasik M.S., Pishchikov S.I., Sidorov V.S.
Zakharko Yu.A., Mostinskii I.L., Pinhasik M.S., Cherkas V.D.
Zakharko Yu.A., Nabatov G.V., Pinhasik M.S., Cherkas V.D.
- Study of the ionization of the additive in MHD installations
Pinhasik M.S., Zakharko Yu.A., Cherkas V.D., Nabatov G.V.