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Khomkin A.L. - article list |
Khomkin A.L. - article list
- The degree of ionization near critical points of classical Coulomb systems
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Equation of State, Composition, and Conductivity of Dense Metal Vapor Plasma
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Studies on nonideal plasma published in the pages of the journal Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur (High Temperature) for the last 50 years (1963–2012): A bibliographic review
Khomkin A.L., D'yachkov L.G., Shumikhin A.S.
- Thermodynamic and transport properties of cesium vapors on binodal and in its vicinity
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- An ion-molecular chemical model of dense aluminum vapor plasma
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Wide-range model of mixture for chemically reacting nonideal gases and composite plasma
Mulenko I.A., Oleinikova E.N., Solovei V.B., Khomkin A.L.
- Van der Waals model of thermal dusty plasma
Asinovskii E.I., Oleinikova E.N., Khomkin A.L.
- Basic chemical models of nonideal atomic plasma
Khomkin A.L., Mulenko I.A., Shumikhin A.S.
- Free energy of nonideal atomic plasma
Khomkin A.L., Mulenko I.A.
- Phase transition in size- and charge-asymmetric model electrolytes
Khomkin A.L., Mulenko I.A.
- Electron energy distribution in nonideal coulomb systems: theory and results of a numerical experiment
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Electrical conductivity of fully ionized nonideal plasma with screened interaction between charges
Zaika E.V., Mulenko I.A., Khomkin A.L.
- The importance of excited states in the thermodynamics of partially ionized plasma
Vorob'ev V.S., Mulenko I.A., Khomkin A.L.
- The electrical conductivity of a fully ionized magnetic plasma with screened interaction between charges
Zaika E.V., Mulenko I.A., Khomkin A.L.
- The temperature dependence of virial coefficients in chemically reacting systems
Mulenko I.A., Solovei V.B., Khomkin A.L., Tsurkin V.N.
- The equilibrium properties of plasma of metal vapors in view of interaction of molecular particles
Vyzhol Yu.A., Grodnov V.M., Mulenko I.A., Khomkin A.L.
- Thermodynamic functions of nonideal plasma of alkali metal vapors
Vlasov G.P., Mulenko I.A., Khomkin A.L.
- Electron–ion pairs in thermodynamics of nonideal Coulomb systems and plasmas
Mulenko I.A., Khomkin A.L.
Mulenko I.A., Khomkin A.L.
- Broad-range equation of state of water
Belyaev A.M., Vorob'ev V.S., Khomkin A.L.
- Equation of state, composition, and conductivity of supercritical iron vapor in the plasma fluid model
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
Vorob'ev V.S., Khomkin A.L.
Khomkin A.L.
Vorob'ev V.S., Khomkin A.L.
Vorob'ev V.S., Khomkin A.L.
Khomkin A.L.
- Quasi-bound electron-states and their localization in plasma with strong coulomb interaction
Khomkin A.L.
- Characteristics of interatomic and the ion-atom interaction in gases during the dissociation process
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Conductivity of nonideal fully ionized plasma: Comparison of calculation results by the molecular dynamics method and model approach
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Plasma frequency, parabolic trajectories, and conductivity of nonideal fully ionized plasma
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- A “user-friendly” three-component chemical model of nonideal plasma
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Coulomb logarithm in calculating plasma conductivity: Analytical theory and numerical simulation
Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S.
- Thermodynamics of Coulomb systems
Vorob'ev V.S., Khomkin A.L.