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Yalamov Yu.I. - article list |
Yalamov Yu.I. - article list
- Generation of shear waves in gas by a vibrating surface
Dudko V.V., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- The thermophoretic capture of large volatile aerosol particles by growing or evaporating droplets in multicomponent gas mixtures
Yalamov Yu.I., Golikova N.N.
- Solution of the Boltzmann kinetic equation in the problem on calculation of heat flux from a spherical particle at arbitrary values of Knudsen number
Savkov S.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- The inclusion of the effect of the evaporation coefficient on the rate of variation of droplet radius
Kuz'min M.K., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Photophoresis of large sublimating aerosol particles
Yalamov Yu.I., Khasanov A.S.
- The effect of the evaporation coefficient and temperature jumps on the thermophoresis of a particle in a binary gas mixture in view of thermodiffusion and stefan effects
D'yakonov S.N., Kotlyarova L.V., Yalamov Yu.I.
- The problem on nonstationary growth and evaporation of drops
Yalamov Yu.I., Kuz'min M.K.
- The Effect of the Medium on the Thermocapillary Force of a Heated Droplet Drifting in a Viscous Liquid in the Field of External Temperature Gradient
Malay N.V., Shchukin E.R., Yalamov Yu.I.
- The Coefficients of the Temperature Jump and of the Stress Tensor Jump at the Interface between a Diatomic Gas with Rotational Degrees of Freedom and the Condensed Phase
Poddoskin A.B., Yalamov Yu.I.
- The Inclusion of Energy Accommodation in Calculating the Heat Flux from a Spherical Particle in a Polyatomic Gas
Savkov S.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Kinetic coefficients in the boundary-value problem on the slip of a multiatomic gas with rotational degrees of freedom
Poddoskin A.B., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Modification of the method of half-space moments as applied to the problem on the calculation of heat flux from a spherical particle at arbitrary Knudsen numbers
Savkov S.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Supersonic condensation of molecular gas
Kuznetsova I.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Intense evaporation from the surface of a spherical particle into a vacuum with due regard for the evaporation coefficient
Kuznetsova I.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Thermophoresis of an aggregate of two large solid spheres in contact with each other along their center line, part I: Thermal problem
Yalamov Yu.I., D'yakonov S.N.
- Thermophoresis of an aggregate of two large solid spheres in contact with each other along their center line, part II: Hydrodynamic problem
Yalamov Yu.I., D'yakonov S.N.
- Supersonic condensation of monoatomic gas
Kuznetsova I.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Thermophoresis of a moderately large aerosol particle having a slightly deformed spherical shape
Yalamov Yu.I., Chermoshentsev A.V., Chermoshentseva O.F.
- The effect of a phase transition on the slip velocity of an inhomogeneous multicomponent gas mixture
Alekhin E.I., Golovkina I.N., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Unsteady motion of a hard sphere in nonuniformly heated gas under conditions of small Reynolds numbers: I. Hydrodynamic problem
Yalamov Yu.I., D'yakonov S.N.
- Boundary conditions during the flow of a multicomponent gas mixture on a volatile spherical surface of small curvature
Alekhin E.I., Yalamov Yu.I.
- The state of a gas near a surface during subsonic condensation
Kuznetsova I.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- The theory of thermophoresis of inhomogeneous aerosol particles
Yalamov Yu.I., Khasanov A.S.
- Diffusiophoresis of a moderately large, nonvolatile, spherical aerosol particle in a binary gas mixture
Yalamov Yu.I., Safiullin R.A.
- Thermophoresis of two particles at small Knudsen numbers
Yalamov Yu.I., Gaidukov M.N., Levin V.V.
- The theory of thermophoresis of a cylindrical aerosol particle in a moderately rarefied gas
Yalamov Yu.I., Safiullin R.A.
- Calculation of the coefficient of effective thermal conductivity of an aerodispersed system
Yalamov Yu.I., Gaidukov M.N., Levin V.V.
- Calculation of the heat flux from a spherical particle at arbitrary Knudsen numbers
Savkov S.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Specific features of thermophoretic deposition of aerosol particles in plane-parallel channels with substantial transverse temperature drops
Shchukin E.R., Shulimanova Z.L., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Singularities of thermophoretic deposition of aerosol particles in plane-parallel and cylindrical channels with considerable longitudinal and small transverse temperature drops
Shulimanova Z.L., Shchukin E.R., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Application of the Mott–Smith method to solving the problem of intense evaporation from a plane surface
Kuznetsova I.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- State of a binary gas mixture near an evaporating surface during intensive evaporation
Kuznetsova I.A., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Motion of heterogeneously burning particles, heated by internal heat sources, in fields of temperature and concentration gradients
Shchukin E.R., Yalamov Yu.I., Gorbunov V.M., Krasovitov B.G.
- Intensive vaporization of an aggregate of particles including thermal and ionization disequilibrium in a radiation field
Lesskis A.G., Titov A.K., Yushkanov A.A., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Calculation of temperature and concentration discontinuities in a multicomponent gas mixture
Yalamov Yu.I., Shchukin E.R., Alekhin E.I.
Yalamov Yu.I., Shchukin E.R., Kutukov V.B., Malyshev V.L.
Ostrovskii Yu.A., Shchukin E.R., Yalamov Yu.I.
Yalamov Yu.I., Shchukin E.R., Ostrovskii Yu.K.
Yalamov Yu.I., Uvarova L.A.
Yalamov Yu.I., Shchukin E.R., Kostitsina L.I.
- Approximate method of solving the kinetic-equation for moderately dense gases near a boundary temperature. Jump in a binary mixture
Kompaneetc V.N., Gaidukov M.N., Yalamov Yu.I.
- Thermophoresis of aerosol-particles in a binary gas-mixture in the nearly free molecular-state
Yalamov Yu.I., Chaplanova I.N., Gaidukov M.N.