string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Director L.B. - article list |
Director L.B. - article list
- Thermophysical Model of Metal-Vapor Lasers with Discharge Chambers of Cylindrical and Coaxial Geometry
Director L.B., Karpukhin V.T., Malikov M.M.
- An improved method of sessile drop for determining the surface tension of liquids
Director L.B., Zaitchenko V.M., Maikov I.L.
- Theoretical and experimental studies of hydrodynamics and heat exchange in porous media
Director L.B., Zaitchenko V.M., Maikov I.L., Kosov V.F., Sinel'shchikov V.A., Torchinskii V.M.
- Investigation of pyrolysis of methane under conditions of filtering through a heated porous medium
Director L.B., Zaitchenko V.M., Maikov I.L., Sokol G.F., Shekhter Yu.L., Shpil'rain É.É.
- Numerical study of heat and mass transfer processes involving a burning coal particle
Aslanian G.S., Director L.B.
- Laser based on copper vapor with a coaxial discharge chamber
Director L.B., Malikov M.M., Fomin V.A.
- Numerical simulation of power-engineering complex with torrefaction reactor
Director L.B., Zaitchenko V.M., Sinel'shchikov V.A.
Vasil'ev L.A., Gerts V.E., Director L.B., Kachalov V.V., Malikov M.M., Mendeleev V.Ya., Ratnikov G.E., Ryazanski? V.M., Sokol G.F., Sokolov A.V., Tatarintsev L.V., Fomin V.A., Shpil'rain É.É.
- Thermo-physical characteristics of co-axial high-power laser chambers
Director L.B., Malikov M.M., Skovorod'ko S.N., Fomin V.A., Shelkov E.M., Shpil'rain É.É.
- Thermophysical properties of volatile products of low-temperature pyrolysis of wood biomass
Director L.B., Sinel'shchikov V.A., Sychev G.A.