string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Sitnikov D.S. - article list |
Sitnikov D.S. - article list
- Femtosecond laser assisted hatching: dependence of zona pellucida drilling efficiency and embryo development on laser wavelength and pulse energy
Il'ina I.V., Khramova Yu.V., Filatov M.A., Semenova M.L., Sitnikov D.S.
- Gold nanoparticles modification by femtosecond laser pulses in the air
Chefonov O.V., Sitnikov D.S., Il'ina I.V., Kotelev M.S., Novikov A.A., Ovchinnikov A.V.
- Photoluminescence of silicon nanoparticles under the action of infrared femtosecond laser pulses
Chefonov O.V., Ovchinnikov A.V., Il'ina I.V., Sitnikov D.S.
- Application of femtosecond laser scalpel and optical tweezers for noncontact biopsy of late preimplantation embryos
Il'ina I.V., Khramova Yu.V., Filatov M.A., Semenova M.L., Sitnikov D.S.
- Gas-plasma flows under femtosecond laser ablation for metals in vacuum
Loktionov E.Yu., Ovchinnikov A.V., Protasov Yu.S., Protasov Yu.Yu., Sitnikov D.S.
- Laser microsurgery of cells by femtosecond laser scalpel and optical tweezers
Sitnikov D.S., Ovchinnikov A.V., Il'ina I.V., Chefonov O.V., Agranat M.B.
- Application of femtosecond laser pulses in biomedical cell technologies
Il'ina I.V., Ovchinnikov A.V., Sitnikov D.S., Rakityanskiy M.M., Agranat M.B., Khramova Yu.V., Semenova M.L.
- Efficiency of the conversion of radiation energy into kinetic energy of a gas-plasma flow during femtosecond laser ablation of metals in vacuum
Loktionov E.Yu., Ovchinnikov A.V., Protasov Yu.S., Protasov Yu.Yu., Sitnikov D.S.
- Investigation of Gas-Dynamic Processes in Optical Discharges with an Ablating Polymer Wall in Air and Vacuum Conditions
Loktionov E.Yu., Ovchinnikov A.V., Protasov Yu.Yu., Sitnikov D.S.
- An investigation of the optical-and-thermophysical and gasdynamic characteristics of femtosecond laser ablation of structural materials of the polymer series
Loktionov E.Yu., Ovchinnikov A.V., Protasov Yu.Yu., Sitnikov D.S.
- Application of terahertz spectroscopy for remote express analysis of gases
Agranat M.B., Il'ina I.V., Sitnikov D.S.
- State-of-the-art of studies of the effect of terahertz radiation on living biological systems
Il'ina I.V., Sitnikov D.S., Agranat M.B.
- Focal spot imaging of terahertz subpicosecond pulse by THz-field-induced optical second harmonic generation
Chefonov O.V., Ovchinnikov A.V., Sitnikov D.S., Agranat M.B.
- Formation of an absorbing layer and superfast gallium arsenide transition in the metal state under the action of femtosecond laser pulses
Ashitkov S.I., Ovchinnikov A.V., Sitnikov D.S., Agranat M.B.
- System for long-term irradiation of living cell culture with high-intensity THz pulses
Sitnikov D.S., Il'ina I.V., Revkova V.A., Konoplyannikov M.A., Kalsin V.A., Baklaushev V.P.
- Ultrafast energy transfer in metals in a strongly nonequilibrium state induced by subterawatt femtosecond laser pulses
Ashitkov S.I., Inogamov N.A., Komarov P.S., Petrov Yu.V., Romashevskii S.A., Sitnikov D.S., Struleva E.V., Khokhlov V.A.
Sitnikov D.S., Mukhdina D.E., Korshunova D.S., Silaeva Yu.Yu., Filatov M.A., Il'ina I.V.