string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Novikov S.S. - article list |
Novikov S.S. - article list
Kudryavtsev N.N., Novikov S.S., Svetlichny? I.B.
- IR emission of $\mathrm{CO}$-containing and $\mathrm{CO}_2$-containing mixtures of vibrational-nonequilibrium gases
Doroshenko V.M., Kryuchkov S.I., Kudryavtsev N.N., Novikov S.S.
- Radiation characteristics of vibrationally non-equilibrium $\mathrm{CO}_2$ gas in the spectral region $12-19\mu$m
Kryuchkov S.I., Kudryavtsev N.N., Novikov S.S.
- Absorption-coefficient of oscillatory-nonequilibrium carbon-dioxide in $15\mu$-m band $Q$-branches – method of calculation
Kryuchkov S.I., Kudryavtsev N.N., Novikov S.S.
- Emission and Absorbance of Molecules of $\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}$ in $4.7$-$\mu$m Band and of $\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}_2$ in $4.3$- and $2.7$-$\mu$m Bands in Absence of Equlllbrlum between Vibrational and Translational-Rotational Degrees of Freedom
Kudryavtsev N.N., Novikov S.S.