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Inshakov S.I. - article list |
Inshakov S.I. - article list
- Investigation of Formation of a Spatial Position of Longitudinal Discharge in a Supersonic Flow by Fitting the Configuration of an Anode under Conditions of Injection of Propane and Kerosene into the Discharge Zone
Efimov B.G., Ivanov V.V., Inshakov S.I., Skvotsov V.V., Starodubtsev M.A.
- An investigation of the structure of the zone of plasma-chemical reactions behind a screen in supersonic flow with injection of kerosene into the space under the screen in the presence of nonequilibrium discharge
Efimov B.G., Inshakov S.I., Klimov A.M., Skvortsov V.V.
- Spectroscopic investigation of interaction between propane jets injected into a supersonic flow of air under conditions of development of a nonequilibrium discharge in one of the jets
Efimov B.G., Inshakov S.I., Skvotsov V.V.
- Spectroscopic studies of longitudinal discharges in a supersonic air flow during the injection of propane, ethylene, and oxygen into the discharge zone
Inshakov S.I., Skvotsov V.V., Rozhkov A.F., Shakhatov V.A., Inshakov I.S., Uspenskii A.A., Urusov A.Yu.
- Distribution of the rotational temperature of $\rm C_2$ molecules in high-temperature regions in a supersonic airflow under injecting ethylene, propane, and oxygen in the discharge area
Inshakov S.I., Skvotsov V.V., Shakhatov V.A., Kudryavtseva E.D., Uspenskii A.A.