Fatykhov M.A. - article list
- A mathematic simulation of the process of hydrochloric acid impact on heating of a carbonate-bearing oil bed exposed to a high-frequency electromagnetic field
Fatykhov M.A., Hudajberdina A.I. - Experimental investigations of the effect of degassing on the dielectric properties of liquids in a radio-frequency electromagnetic field
Fatykhov M.A., Idrisov R.I. - Experimental Investigations of Decomposition of Gas Hydrate in a Pipe under the Impact of a Microwave Electromagnetic Field
Fatykhov M.A., Bagautdinov N.Ya. - Filtration of non-newtonian hydrocarbon fluid in a high-frequency electromagnetic field
Fatykhov M.A. - Experimental investigation of the dielectric parameters of bituminous productive rock under high uniform pressure
Fatykhov M.A., Shagapova R.R. - Heating and Melting of Paraffin in a Coaxial System under the Effect of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation
Fatykhov M.A.