Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2008. V. 46. № 3. P. 363–366
Peletskii V.E., Tereshina E.V.
An investigation of heat capacity of the alpha phase of E635 zirconium reactor alloy
Results are given of an experimental study of the temperature dependence of isobaric heat capacity of E635 alloy in the temperature range from $320$ to $1170$ K. Special features characteristic of the realization of the method of adiabatic calorimetry are described. It is demonstrated that the monotonicity of the temperature dependence of heat capacity is disturbed in this temperature range. The thus revealed special features are associated with the restructuring of the alloy.
Article reference:
Peletskii V.E., Tereshina E.V. An investigation of heat capacity of the alpha phase of E635 zirconium reactor alloy, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 3. P. 363
Peletskii V.E., Tereshina E.V. An investigation of heat capacity of the alpha phase of E635 zirconium reactor alloy, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 3. P. 363