Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2008. V. 46. № 5. P. 705–717
Bashkin V.A., Egorov I.V., Zhestkov B.E., Shvedchenko V.V.
Numerical investigation of the flow field and heat transfer in the circuit of a high-temperature wind-tunnel facility
Numerical analysis of axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations is used to study the stationary flow field and heat transfer in the circuit of the VAT-104 wind-tunnel facility in the absence and presence in its working section of a model in the form of a circular cylinder subjected to longitudinal flow. The working medium is provided by nitrogen. Calculations in view of the effects of real gas and emission of thermal energy from the model surface subjected to flow by the Stefan-Boltzmann law are performed in a wide range of variation of determining parameters of the problem and cover all working modes of the wind-tunnel facility.
Article reference:
Bashkin V.A., Egorov I.V., Zhestkov B.E., Shvedchenko V.V. Numerical investigation of the flow field and heat transfer in the circuit of a high-temperature wind-tunnel facility, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 5. P. 705
Bashkin V.A., Egorov I.V., Zhestkov B.E., Shvedchenko V.V. Numerical investigation of the flow field and heat transfer in the circuit of a high-temperature wind-tunnel facility, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 5. P. 705