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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Inhomogeneous microwave discharge in oxygen
585Lebedev Yu.A., Tatarinov A.V., Epshtein I.L.
- The charge and potential of dust particle in plasma under conditions of diffusion charging
597Kashevarov A.V.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Molecular dynamics simulation of the rate of dissociation and of the time of vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules
604Kotov D.V., Surzhikov S.T.
- The viscosity and self-diffusion of rarefied steam: Refinement of reference data
614Fokin L.R., Kalashnikov A.N.
- Interatomic interaction in metallic and dielectric monatomic liquids
620Blagonravov L.A.
- The impact of relaxation on the damping of high-frequency temperature fluctuations arising in tungsten under periodic pulsed laser heating
625Artamonov A.V., Yakunkin M.M.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Large eddy simulation of a nonisothermal turbulent jet flowing out into submerged space
630Volkov K.N.
- Experimental investigation of processes of melting-solidification of heat storage materials
639Geshele V.D., Mostinskii I.L., Polezhaev Yu.V., Raskatov I.P., Stonik O.G.
- Integrated measurement of the wave characteristics of heated film of liquid by the capacitance and fluorescence methods
647Chinnov E.A., Kharlamov S.M., Nazarov A.D., Sokolov E., Markovich D.M., Serov A.Ph., Kabov O.A.
- Mixed convection under conditions of weak external flow in a vertical channel with a finite-size heat source
654Ermolaev I.A., Zhbanov A.I., Koshelev V.S.
- The impact of capillary forces on the process of injection of water into a porous medium saturated with vapor
659Il'yasov U.R., Mahmutov R.A.
- The coagulation of aerosol particles in turbulent flow
666Zaichik L.I., Alipchenkov V.M.
- The stability of nonisothermal laminar flow of gas in a plane channel
675Sinkevich O.A., Potsepkin V.M., Polyakov A.F.
- Gas-detonation processing of particles
686Sychevskij V.A.
- Chemical reactions under highly intensive bubble boiling
695Zhukov S.A., Rafeev V.A., Echmaev S.B.
- Condensation from a vapor-gas mixture on a plane surface
700Kryukov A.P., Levashov V.Yu.
- Numerical investigation of the flow field and heat transfer in the circuit of a high-temperature wind-tunnel facility
705Bashkin V.A., Egorov I.V., Zhestkov B.E., Shvedchenko V.V.
Short Communications
- Some features of a multichannel discharge between a jet of electrolyte and an electrolytic cell at atmospheric pressure
718Kayumov R.R., Gaisin F.M.
- Condition of formation of 2D Coulomb crystal on the surface of dielectric
721Zhylyakov L.A., Kostanovskii A.V., Pokhil G.P.
- The formation of negative ions upon interaction of electrons with metastable magnesium atoms
725Marushka V.I., Fedorko R.A., Shafran'osh I.I.
- Investigation of dielectric and rheological characteristics of water-oil emulsions
728Kovaleva L.A., Minnigalimov R.Z., Zinnatullin R.R.
- Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity coefficients of 12Kh18N10T stainless steel in a wide temperature range
731Stankus S.V., Savchenko I.V., Baginskii A.V., Verba O.I., Prokop'ev A.M., Khairulin R.A.
- Notes concerning some aspects of vapor explosion
734Zeigarnik Yu.A., Ivochkin Yu.P., Grigor'ev V.S., Oksman A.A.