Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 459–465
Bashirov M.M., Naziev Ya.M.
Investigation of the thermal conductivity of methanol–$n$-hexanol mutual solutions at high parameters of state
The thermal conductivity of methyl and normal hexyl alcohols and of methanol–$n$-hexanol solutions in wide ranges of temperature and pressure are measured in a facility implementing the regular regime method. The regularity of variation of the thermal conductivity of binary solutions with concentration is found.
Article reference:
Bashirov M.M., Naziev Ya.M. Investigation of the thermal conductivity of methanol–$n$-hexanol mutual solutions at high parameters of state, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 459
Bashirov M.M., Naziev Ya.M. Investigation of the thermal conductivity of methanol–$n$-hexanol mutual solutions at high parameters of state, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 459