Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2015. V. 53. № 4. P. 558–563
Sosnin ?.A., Korzenev A.N., Avdeev S.M., Volkind D.K., Novakovskii G.S., Tarasenko V.F.
Numerical simulation and experimental study of thermal and gas-dynamic processes in barrier-discharge coaxial excilamps
Numerical simulation of thermal and gas-dynamic processes in barrier-discharge coaxial excilamps is performed, and the conditions of its application are justified. The calculation results are compared with the results of experiments in which the dynamics of heating of a barrier-discharge $\mathrm{KrCl}$-excilamp is investigated for the mixtures of $\mathrm{Kr} : \mathrm{Cl}_2 = (400$–$50) : 1$ at a total pressure of 100 to 300 Torr. The comparison showed that the selected method and the assumptions made in the calculation model could be applied in practice. Practically important predictions are made about the operating modes of excilamps to ensure their long service life.
Article reference:
Sosnin ?.A., Korzenev A.N., Avdeev S.M., Volkind D.K., Novakovskii G.S., Tarasenko V.F. Numerical simulation and experimental study of thermal and gas-dynamic processes in barrier-discharge coaxial excilamps, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 4. P. 558
Sosnin ?.A., Korzenev A.N., Avdeev S.M., Volkind D.K., Novakovskii G.S., Tarasenko V.F. Numerical simulation and experimental study of thermal and gas-dynamic processes in barrier-discharge coaxial excilamps, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 4. P. 558