
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2014. V. 52. № 4. P. 518–529
Tsyganov D.L.
The Rate Constant of Diatomic Molecule Dissociation within the Shock Forced Oscillator Model (SFO Model)
A numerical analytical investigation of the shock forced oscillator (SFO) model as applied to the "diatomic molecule $AB$–structureless particle $M$" system is continued. The SFO model is based on the quantum theory of strong perturbations and allows one to estimate probabilities $W_{i \to f}$ for the transitions from level $i$ to level $f$ of diatomic molecule $AB$. The numerical analysis was carried out by the example of the nitrogen molecule $\text{N}_2$, with anharmonic description of the internuclear interaction potential. The intermolecular interaction potentials in the $\text{N}_2$–$\text{N}_2$ system are numerically analyzed using the Morse potential, the classical Lennard-Jones potential, and the "improved" Lennard-Jones potential.
Article reference:
Tsyganov D.L. The Rate Constant of Diatomic Molecule Dissociation within the Shock Forced Oscillator Model (SFO Model), High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 4. P. 518