Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1977. V. 15. № 5. P. 841–845
Egorov B.N., Kilesso V.S., Komarov A.G.
Method of measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films normal to the layer
A method of measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films is proposed, in which a fundamentally new procedure for measuring the temperature drop on a thin layer is used. An analysis of the systematic error is given. The minimum film thickness for which this method may be used to measure the thermal conductivity is determined.
Article reference:
Egorov B.N., Kilesso V.S., Komarov A.G. Method of measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films normal to the layer, High Temp., 1977. V. 15. № 5. P. 841
Egorov B.N., Kilesso V.S., Komarov A.G. Method of measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films normal to the layer, High Temp., 1977. V. 15. № 5. P. 841