Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1976. V. 14. № 1. P. 23–31
Smirnov B.M., Shlyapnikov G.V.
Infrared radiation from a plane layer of molecular gas
The flux of infrared radiation from a plane layer of molecular gas is calculated. The cases of constant and slowly varying temperature over the height of the layer are considered under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium. The frequency distribution of the outgoing radiation is computed for an optically thick layer. The results are used to compute the temperature of the earth as a function of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Article reference:
Smirnov B.M., Shlyapnikov G.V. Infrared radiation from a plane layer of molecular gas, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 1. P. 23
Smirnov B.M., Shlyapnikov G.V. Infrared radiation from a plane layer of molecular gas, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 1. P. 23