High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
1976. V. 14. № 2. P. 321–326
Burenkov D.K., Zalkind V.I., Kirillov V.V., Rastegaev B.I., Tikhotskii A.S.
Study of the electrical characteristics of the boundary layer on the metal surfaces in the channels of an open cycle MHD generator
The volt-ampere characteristics of the discharge through the metal-plasma gap in the channels of the U-$02$ MHD generator were studied experimentally. The electrical characteristics were analyzed in relation to the plasma temperature $($in the range $2100$–$2600^{\circ}$ K$)$, electrode temperature $(400$–$800^{\circ}$ K$)$, and thickness of the boundary layer. A simple method of calculating the prebreakdown characteristics and the breakdown voltage is proposed.
Article reference:
Burenkov D.K., Zalkind V.I., Kirillov V.V., Rastegaev B.I., Tikhotskii A.S. Study of the electrical characteristics of the boundary layer on the metal surfaces in the channels of an open cycle MHD generator, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 2. P. 321
Burenkov D.K., Zalkind V.I., Kirillov V.V., Rastegaev B.I., Tikhotskii A.S. Study of the electrical characteristics of the boundary layer on the metal surfaces in the channels of an open cycle MHD generator, High Temp., 1976. V. 14. № 2. P. 321