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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Generation of a metal porous film by arc discharge
841Dyrenkov A.V., Smirnov B.M., Tereshonok D.V.
- Thermionic multielement single-channel electrogenerating assembly: Prospects of development and application
844Kozlov O.F., Krasnenkova T.M., Lazba B.A., Mailov G.M.
- Development of electron impact excitation and ionization in noble gases and liquids in strong electric fields
850Belevtsev A.A.
- Subpicosecond terahertz radiation with an electric field above $1$ MV/cm: Interaction with condensed matter and its applications
859Romashevskii S.A., Ovchinnikov A.V., Chefonov O.V., Agranat M.B.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- The role of heat flux in the nonsteady thermal problem of molybdenum sphere cooling in an electrostatic levitation experiment
866Kostanovskii A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E.
- Composition, morphology characteristics and optical properties of molybdenum oxide nanostructures synthesized by the laser ablation method in liquid
870Karpukhin V.T., Malikov M.M., Protasov M.V., Borodina T.I., Val'yano G.E., Gololobova O.A.
- Investigation of the oxidative resistance of high-temperature coating on a $\rm SiC$ material under exposure to high-enthalpy flow
873Kablov E.N., Zhestkov B.E., Grashchenkov D.V., Sorokin O.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.E., Vaganova M.L.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Characteristics of subcooled water boiling on structured surfaces
880Vasilev N.V., Varaksin A.Yu., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Khodakov K.A., Epel'fel'd A.V.
- Analysis of a convective fluid flow with a concurrent gas flow with allowance for evaporation
887Goncharova O.H., Rezanova E.V., Lyulin Yu.V., Kabov O.A.
- Heat and mass transfer as a means of flow mode management in a supersonic boundary layer
898Gaponov S.A., Terekhova N.
- Gasdynamic acceleration of microparticles and their interaction with a solid body
906Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L.
- Reflooding investigation on light water reactor model fuel assemblies and debris under the loss of coolant accident simulation
914Bazuk S.S., Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Parshin N.Y., Popov E.B., Soldatkin D.M.
- Application of terahertz spectroscopy for remote express analysis of gases
922Agranat M.B., Il'ina I.V., Sitnikov D.S.
Short Communications
- Peculiarities of electric discharge between jet anode and metal cathode
935Fakhrutdinova I.T., Gaisin Az.F., Son E.E., Galimzyanov I.I., Gaisin F.M., Mirkhanov D.N.
- Experimental study of acoustic properties and microhardness of $09\rm Mn2\rm Si$ steel
938Roshchupkin V.V., Lyakhovitskii M.M., Pokrasin M.A., Minina N.A., Kudryavtsev E.M.
- Relative lengthening of $\rm ZrO_2$ in the temperature range of $1200$–$2700$ K
942Kostanovskii A.V., Zeodinov M.G., Kostanovskaya M.E., Pronkin A.A., Borodina T.I.
- The effect of gas injection on the protection of body surfaces streamlined by a two-phase flow
945Varaksin A.Yu., Protasov M.V.