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Shur M.L. - article list |
Shur M.L. - article list
- Analysis of three-dimensional turbulent flow in an $S$-shaped rectangular channel
Garbaruk A.V., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- The calculation of $\mathrm{HF}$ chemical lasers in view of interference between the processes in the combustion zone and in nozzle unit
Shur M.L.
- Assessment of applicability of modern models of turbulence for calculation of natural-convection flows and heat transfer
Bassina I.A., Lomakin S.A., Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- A comparison between one- and two-equation differential models of turbulence in application to separated and attached flows: Transonic flows around airfoil
Strelets M.Kh., Travin A.K., Shur M.L.
- A comparison between one- and two-equation differential turbulence models in application to separated and attached flows: Flow in channel with counterstep
Zaikov L.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- A comparison of the capabilities of one- and two-equation differential models of turbulence in application to separated and attached flows in a channel with forward-facing step
Zaikov L.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- The calculation of steady turbulent flows of chemically reacting gGas mixtures in channels at arbitrary Mach numbers
Zaikov L.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Calculation of steady-state three-dimensional flows of viscous gas in channels and nozzles
Kuznetsov A.E., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Influence of three-dimensional effects on fluid dynamics and heat transfer in the subsonic flow of a viscous compressible gas on the initial section of a rectangular channel
Kuznetsov A.E., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Subsonic compressible flows of chemically reacting gas mixtures in cylindrical and rectangular channels with sudden expansion
Egorov Yu.E., Kuznetsov A.E., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Influence of compressibility of the hydrodynamics and heat-transfer in subsonic viscous-gas flows in channels in the presence of recirculation zones
Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.