string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Petrov O.F. - article list |
Petrov O.F. - article list
- Crystal and liquid structures in strongly nonideal dusty plasmas under laboratory and microgravity conditions
Fortov V.E., Petrov O.F.
- Excitation of dust-acoustic waves in a dc glow-discharge dusty plasma by means of pulsed gasdynamic stimulation
Pustyl'nik M.Yu., Torchinskii V.M., Molotkov V.I., Khrapak A.G., Chernyshev A.V., Petrov O.F., Fortov V.E., Okubo M., Yoshino K.
- Dusty plasma of a dc glow discharge: methods of investigation and characteristic features of behavior
Molotkov V.I., Petrov O.F., Pustyl'nik M.Yu., Torchinskii V.M., Fortov V.E., Khrapak A.G.
- Clustering of charged particles in isotropic turbulence
Alipchenkov V.M., Zaichik L.I., Petrov O.F.
- Experimental determination of the diffusion coefficient for macroparticles in a thermal plasma by correlation spectroscopy
Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F., Khrapak S.A., Lipaev A.M., Samaryan A.A.
- The effect of the size distribution of particles on the optical properties of the disperse phase of solid fuel combustion products
Vaulina O.S., Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F., Samaryan A.A.
- The method of determining the mean size, concentration and refractive index of particles in high-temperature flows
Vaulina O.S., Lipaev A.M., Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F., Samaryan A.A., Chernyshev A.V.
- Spectral pyrometry of "nongray" particles in high-temperature two-phase flows
Vaulina O.S., Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F., Samaryan A.A., Chernyshev A.V.
- Extinction measurements in optically dense media at different aperture angles of the photodetector
Vaulina O.S., Petrov O.F., Samaryan A.A., Chernyshev A.V.
- Optical diagnostics of the conversion of coal particles in a flow of plasma of combustion products
Kondrat'ev A.B., Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F., Samaryan A.A.
- Radiation transfer in two-phase high-temperature media of different geometry in an approximation of finite multiplicity of scattering: Part 1
Vaulina O.S., Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F.
- Radiation transfer in two-phase high-temperature media in approximation of finite multiplicity of scattering: Part 2
Vaulina O.S., Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F.
- Optical diagnostics of coal particles in a flow of plasma of combustion products
Petrov O.F., Samaryan A.A.
- Calculation of the scattering and absorbing characteristics of spherical particles in high-temperature flows
Vaulina O.S., Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F.
- On the relationship between microcanonical and canonical Gibbs distributions
Bobrov V.B., Triger S.A., Petrov O.F.
- System for diagnosing particles in high-temperature streams
Nefedov A.P., Petrov O.F.
Petrov O.F.
Petrov O.F.
- Study of the dusty-gas discharge plasma in the Plasma Crystal-3 Plus space laboratory (review)
Lipaev A.M., Molotkov V.I., Zhukhovitski? D.I., Naumkin V.N., Usachev A.D., Zobnin A.V., Petrov O.F., Fortov V.E.
- Soliton currents (review)
Trukhachev F.M., Vasil'ev M.M., Petrov O.F.
Petrov O.F., Iosilevskii I.L., Mintsev V.B.
Vasil'ev M.M., Alekseevskaya A.A., Koss K.G., Vasil'eva E.V., Petrov O.F.
Petrov O.F.