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Popov V.N. - article list |
Popov V.N. - article list
- An approximate numerical method of solving collision integrals for the Morse potential in a wide parameter interval
Popov V.N.
- General function of the unit compressibility factor for liquid and gaseous mercury
Fokin L.R., Popov V.N.
- Thermal properties of mercury on the basis of model potentials
Popov V.N.
- Equation of State and Thermodynamic Properties of Saturated and Superheated Mercury Vapors up to $1650$ K and $125$ MPa
Fokin L.R., Popov V.N., Naurzakov S.P.
- A new equation of state for rubidium vapors at temperatures up to $1600$ K and pressures up to $4$ MPa
Mozgovoi A.G., Popov V.N., Fokin L.R.
- Analytical representation of collision integrals for the ($m$–$6$) Lennard–Jones potentials in the EPIDIF database
Fokin L.R., Popov V.N., Kalashnikov A.N.
- Turbulent transport of momentum, heat, and mass of components of a mixture under conditions of free and mixed thermoconcentration convection in the vicinity of an inclined surface
Popov V.N.
- Turbulent transport of momentum, heat and mass of components of a mixture under conditions of free and mixed thermoconcentration convection during flow past a vertical surface
Popov V.N.
- Numerical simulation of heat transfer and hydrodynamic processes with the flow rate of liquid decreasing in time
Valueva E.P., Popov V.N.
- Numerical simulation of the process of nonstationary conjugate heat transfer in turbulent flows of liquid in channels
Valueva E.P., Popov V.N.
- Numerical simulation of processes of heat transfer and hydrodynamics under conditions of liquid flow rate increasing with time
Valueva E.P., Popov V.N., Romanova S.Yu.
- Heat transfer and friction resistance at the turbulent flow in a flat curvilinear channel
Valueva E.P., Popov V.N.
- The effect of free thermoconcentration convection on turbulent transfer in a horizontal boundary layer
Popov V.N., Korkina E.I.
- Heat-transfer and turbulent-flow of cooled helium with supercritical state parameters in a tube
Petrov N.E., Popov V.N.
- Calculation of the transport properties of dilute gas mixtures on the basis model potentials. Mercury–argon system
Popov V.N., Fokin L.R.
Petukhov B.S., Popov V.N.
Makavetskas R.A., Popov V.N., Tsederberg N.V.
Petukhov B.S., Popov V.N.
Makavetskas R.A., Popov V.N., Tsederberg N.V.
Petukhov B.S., Popov V.N.
Popov V.N.
Popov V.N., Petukhov B.S.
Popov V.N.
Popov V.N., Kharin B.E.
- Heat transfer and frictional drag in the longitudinal flow of a gas with variable physical properties past a plate
Popov V.N.
- Heat transfer and resistance in the longitudinal turbulent flow of air around a plate
Popov V.N.
- Heat transfer and resistance with the turbulent flow of dissociated and ionized air in an equilibrium state around a plate
Popov V.N.
Popov V.N.
Popov V.N.
Popov V.N.
Popov V.N., Belyaev V.M.
Popov V.N.
- Calculation of heat exchange and resistance under conditions of turbulent flow in a round pipe of liquid with various types of dependence of physical properties on the temperature
Popov V.N., Belyaev V.M., Valueva E.P.
Tsederberg N.V., Popov V.N., Panchenko S.V.
Popov V.N., Belyaev V.M., Valueva E.P.
- Heat-transfer in laminar free-convection near a vertical plate for fluids in the supercritical regions of state variables
Popov V.N., Yan'kov G.G.
- Effects of free-convection on turbulent transport for a liquid flowing in a horizontal channel
Popov V.N.
- The effects of free-convection on turbulent transport for a liquid flowing in a vertical channel
Popov V.N.
- Effects of free-convection on turbulent transport in a flow of liquid on an inclined surface
Popov V.N.