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Semashko N.A. - article list |
Semashko N.A. - article list
- Acoustic properties of VT20 titanium alloy in the temperature range from $300$ to $1300$ K
Roshchupkin V.V., Semashko N.A., Lanovenko E.V., Lanovenko V.V.
- Experimental investigation of phase transitions in die steels by the acoustic method
Semashko N.A., Lanovenko E.V., Lanovenko V.V., Roshchupkin V.V., Mar'in B.N.
- An investigation of the kinetics of structure transformations and phase transition in nickel using acoustic methods
Lyakhovitskii M.M., Pokrasin M.A., Roshchupkin V.V., Semashko N.A., Minina N.A., Ermishkin V.A., Chernov A.I.
- The kinetics of structure transformations in martensitic structural steel
Lyakhovitskii M.M., Minina N.A., Semashko N.A., Semke N.A., Roshchupkin V.V., Pokrasin M.A., Kol'tsov A.G.
- Temperature and strain changes in VT20 titanium alloy under electric-pulse effect
Roshchupkin V.V., Semashko N.A., Krupskii R.F., Kupov A.V., Shport V.I.
- Experimental investigation of the temperature dependence of sound velocity in structural materials for nuclear power engineering
Roshchupkin V.V., Pokrasin M.A., Chernov A.I., Semashko N.A., Filonenko S.F.
- Heat capacity and electrical resistance of the zirconium alloy with $2.5$ wt $\%$ niobium in the phase transition region
Roshchupkin V.V., Pokrasin M.A., Chernov A.I., Semashko N.A.
Goncharov V.G., Roshchupkin V.V., Semashko N.A., Stru?nze R.L.
- Specific-heat of nickel and niobium in the temperature interval $300$–$1300$-degrees-K
Novikov I.I., Roshchupkin V.V., Mozgovoi A.G., Semashko N.A.