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Strelets M.Kh. - article list |
Strelets M.Kh. - article list
- An algebraic model of turbulence for flows with a maximum of tangential stress inside the boundary layer
Garbaruk A.V., Lapin Yu.V., Strelets M.Kh.
- Numerical Simulation of Self-Excited Oscillation of a Turbulent Jet Flowing into a Rectangular Cavity
Denisikhina D.M., Bassina I.A., Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- Analysis of three-dimensional turbulent flow in an $S$-shaped rectangular channel
Garbaruk A.V., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Turbulent Boundary Layer under Simultaneous Effect of the Longitudinal Pressure Gradient, Injection (Suction), and Transverse Surface Curvature
Garbaruk A.V., Lapin Yu.V., Strelets M.Kh.
- Simple algebraic model of turbulence for the calculation of turbulent boundary layer with adverse pressure gradient
Garbaruk A.V., Lapin Yu.V., Strelets M.Kh.
- Assessment of the capabilities of explicit algebraic Reynolds stress models as applied to the calculation of wall turbulent boundary layers
Garbaruk A.V., Lapin Yu.V., Strelets M.Kh.
- Assessment of applicability of modern models of turbulence for calculation of natural-convection flows and heat transfer
Bassina I.A., Lomakin S.A., Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- The use of inverse method of solving boundary-layer equations for the testing of turbulence models
Garbaruk A.V., Lapin Yu.V., Strelets M.Kh.
- A comparison between one- and two-equation differential models of turbulence in application to separated and attached flows: Transonic flows around airfoil
Strelets M.Kh., Travin A.K., Shur M.L.
- Numerical investigation of the impact of three-dimensional and edge effects on free-convection heat transfer in a system of vertical ribs
Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh., Dvinsky A.
- A comparison between one- and two-equation differential turbulence models in application to separated and attached flows: Flow in channel with counterstep
Zaikov L.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- A comparison of the capabilities of one- and two-equation differential models of turbulence in application to separated and attached flows in a channel with forward-facing step
Zaikov L.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- A two-layer three-parameter algebraic model of a transient and a steady turbulent flow in a round pipe with smooth walls
Lapin Yu.V., Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- A multiparameter algebraic model of steady turbulent flow in a round pipe with sand roughness
Lapin Yu.V., Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- Numerical simulation of the process of levitation of a system of high-temperature turbulent thermals in an inhomogeneous compressible atmosphere
Zatevakhin M.A., Kuznetsov A.E., Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- The calculation of steady turbulent flows of chemically reacting gGas mixtures in channels at arbitrary Mach numbers
Zaikov L.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Calculation of steady-state three-dimensional flows of viscous gas in channels and nozzles
Kuznetsov A.E., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Influence of three-dimensional effects on fluid dynamics and heat transfer in the subsonic flow of a viscous compressible gas on the initial section of a rectangular channel
Kuznetsov A.E., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Subsonic compressible flows of chemically reacting gas mixtures in cylindrical and rectangular channels with sudden expansion
Egorov Yu.E., Kuznetsov A.E., Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Influence of compressibility of the hydrodynamics and heat-transfer in subsonic viscous-gas flows in channels in the presence of recirculation zones
Strelets M.Kh., Shur M.L.
- Hierarchy of models of natural thermal-convection of an ideal-gas
Nehamkina O.A., Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh.
Ivanov A.A., Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh.
Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- Calculation of fluid friction and heat transfer in the flow of a multicomponent chemically nonequilibrium gas mixture in a supersonic nozzle with porous walls and injection
Bassina I.A., Dorot V.L., Strelets M.Kh.
- Turbulent-flow of ammonia in heated circular tubes in the presence of catalytic dissociation at the walls
Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- Numerical study of the interaction of supersonic viscous-gas jets in the presence of non-equilibrium physicochemical processes
Lapin Yu.V., Strelets M.Kh., Shur L.M.
- Numerical modeling of nonsteady natural-convection of homogeneous compressible gas in a closed nonadiabatic region
Niculin D.A., Strelets M.Kh.
- Calculation of steady subsonic flows of chemically nonequilibrium gaseous-mixtures in channels of variable cross-section with arbitrary finite changes in density
Kuznetsov A.E., Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh.
Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh., Shikov V.K.
- Heat and Mass Exchange for Laminar Flow of Ammonia in Round Heated Pipes with Developed Catalytic Dissociation on the Walls
L`vov O.N., Nehamkina O.A., Strelets M.Kh.
Dorot V.L., Strelets M.Kh.